Experience woman-centered support as you embark on your journey to holistic well-being!

Together, we establish a foundation for healthy living, nurture a fertile mindset, and cultivate a lifestyle that supports your divine path to optimal health.

Holistic Health and Wellness Nurse Coach
Science-based guidance and lifestyle strategies
Science-based guidance and lifestyle strategies
Holistic Health and Wellness Nurse Coach
Holistic Health and Wellness Nurse Coach

Struggling to know what optimal health means for you?

Science-based guidance

“I feel like I'm on an emotional rollercoaster and just want it to stop.”

Science-based guidance

“People say not to stress, but what does a stress-free day even look like?”

lifestyle strategies

“I’m healthy enough, right? How sick is too sick?”

Science-based guidance

“My relationships feel like they are hanging on by a thread.”

overwhelm of health challenges

“Why is it taking so long to get pregnant?”

Science-based guidance

“I use to be able to eat anything, but now I am noticing extra weight.”

You may feel that body aches & pains, fatigue, headaches, weight fluctuations, G.I. Issues, irregular periods, change in emotional responses, sleep problems, stress etc. are just a part of your day-to-day life.

Now imagine these things are important messages your body is desperately trying telling you.

Preconception | Infertility | Pregnancy | Postpartum | Motherhood | General Health |

Preconception | Infertility | Pregnancy | Postpartum | Motherhood | General Health |

Find balance and harmony between your internal and external world!

We give you tools and strategies to bring awareness to internal messages and take action. We help you assess your current lifestyle and behaviors that might be holding you back. We provide motivation and drive to empower you to achieve your health goals on your divine path to optimal health.

Jessica Nunns Holistic Nurse Coach
Jessica Nunns Holistic Nurse Coach

Achieve Your Health Goals!

Sensibly Holistic offers one-on-one, health and wellness coaching, group coaching, & wellness workshops:

Step 1:

Take a deep dive exploration into your life experience, looking at your whole-self, current lifestyle and routines.

Holistic Health and Wellness Nurse Coach

Step 2:

Unveil your strengths and lifestyle strategies that will assist you in desired habit change and overcome barriers and behaviors that no longer serve you.

Holistic Health and Wellness Nurse Coach

Step 3:

Feel confident, knowledgeable, present in behaviors, and intentional about your desired health and well-being.

Holistic Health and Wellness Nurse Coach

Client Testimonial

“I would definitely recommend 1:1 coaching to someone else. Navigating infertility is the hardest thing that I’ve ever had to go through and it’s so much more difficult trying to navigate it on your own. There is so much to work through physically, mentally, and emotionally that’s it’s almost impossible to do without help. Jessica has given me the tools needed to be my healthiest self all around.


Thank you, Jessica! I am so thankful to get to work with you. Everything that I’ve learned is invaluable and I feel much more prepared for the next difficult thing that happens in life.”


– Tiffany | North Carolina

Scientific Knowledge + Art of Holistic Healing

  • Holistic Nurse Coach

    We provide education around health-promoting strategies, helping you understand the nuances of health and dis-ease. We help you recognize patterns surrounding health issues, and demonstrate how lifestyle behaviors have a profound impact on health, chronic health challenges, and your overall quality of life.

  • Art and Science

    Art and Science

    We see the value in both holistic and conventional healthcare. We help you identify the lifestyle habits and daily stressors that may challenge your cardiovascular, digestive, endocrine, immune, reproductive, and neurological systems. Using this insight, we assist you in developing a plan for healthy living and support you in a step-by-step journey to achieve health goals.

  • Individual Expertise

    Individual Expertise

    We know that not all experiences in conventional healthcare are good ones. We know what it feels like to be overlooked and unheard, like a cog in a wheel. We also know and honor you as the expert in your needs and choices. You have a say–a voice– in your own health journey and what it takes to achieve personal health goals.